Kategoria: Półwysep Iberyjski

Półwysep Iberyjski z Majorki [260 km]

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 Zdjęcie przedstawia: Pierwsze i drugie – Puig Campana (1406 m) i Serra d’Aitana (1558 m), trzecie i czwarte – Penyagolosa (1814 m)
Zdjęcie wykonane z: Majorka. Pierwsze i drugie – szczyt Puig de Galatzó (1026 m), trzecie – szczyt Puig Major, czwarte – Puig des Teix
Odległość:Serra d’Aitana – 262 km, Penyagolosa – 263 km, Alt del Asevar – 266 km
Zdjęcie wykonano dnia: Pierwsze i drugie – 2012.01.21, trzecie i czwarte – 2006.12.04, piąte – 2008.12.21, szóste – 2007.02.15

Autor: Marcos Molina

The highest peaks of Alicante province in the Spanish mainland can be visible from one of the highest peaks in Mallorca (Balearic islands, Spain) at this time of the year. The sun sets in the point of the horizon where Alicante peaks appear, but only on occasion of extremely good visibility, as was the case on the 21st of January, 2012. After calculating the sun conjunction with the Alicante peaks, I wished myself good luck and did the 1 hour climb to the top of Galatzó mountain (1026 m.). I managed to take with me my “telescopic” gear: the f5.6 600mm manual Nikon lens (great quality optics lens), connected with the Canon eos 7D camera, which gave me a total focal distance of 960mm. Only at sunset the miracle happened: I could watch during some minutes Aitana mountain at a distance of 264 km. and the Campana mountain at 259 km. across the Mediterranean sea. “Campana” in English means “bell” as per the shape of a big church bell. “Aitana” is a female proper name.
I am still waiting for the right opportunity to take new pictures of the Pyrenees also from Mallorca island, hoping the visibility will be good enough to catch the “Pic de Saloria”, 319 kms. away in the mountains of Andorra, between Spain and France, as per my older post:  https://dalekieobserwacje.eu/?p=7234 I need extremely special good weather conditions to take these pictures, but the time of the year is now!

Best regards to everyone at D.O. from Spain,

Marcos Molina